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Full Version: New MonsterHunt version
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As already described in the forum announcements, a new monsterhunt version is installed on the servers. It brings many innovations for the players.

Some innovations are...

Fully configurable radar:
  • Set where the radar is on the screen
    (possible settings are TopLeft, TopMiddle, TopRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomMiddle, BottomRight, Center and Custom).
  • Set how the radar should look like (size, blips etc.)

Fully configurable scoreboard:
  • The number of top players displayed is adjustable (from 0 to 20, up to 200 players are displayed in the console)
  • The look of the scoreboard is adjustable (different designs or just text)
    and a lot more...

Attached you will find instructions to download with all the setting options and how to add them to your UT User.ini file.
